A program of laughter, learning and love!
At The Cradle Club, we believe the most profound learning happens when educational experiences are surrounded by laughter and love. By placing nurturing relationships at the heart of everything we do, our innovative programs immerse children in all the benefits of play-filled, theme-based learning and surround them with the joyous laughter and endless love that they need to flourish.
Our philosophy
We believe every child needs love, security, acceptance, control, guidance, and PROTECTION!
Here at The Cradle Club, we believe every child deserves to feel loved and wanted. We understand that every child needs the security of a stimulating, safe environment, and must believe they are always accepted for themselves. Each child needs to feel in control, and must grow and develop individually with nurturing guidance from those who love them. Through it all, every child must always feel trusting of and protected by amazing adults who care!